Sit back real quick and enjoy a little laughter.
“Put the hyboglophen in the hatch and match the suglen with the glugen and align it with flepin. We have to do this perfectly in order to get the laser right. If we mess this up, we won’t be able to break in this portal.”
“Psst, Hellen. Did you understand anything he just said?”
“If you didn’t understand it, what makes you think I did?”
“He didn’t even show the things to us.”
“Did he label them?”
“Let me go see. Nope.”
“Oh no, I guess the laser is going to be put on hold.”
“I don’t know why we need to use it to open the thing.”
“I don’t know why we need to open the thing at all. Clearly it doesn't want us to go through it.”
“I’m going to go check it out. See if I can figure out how to open it.”
“Uh uh. Don’t open it! If something jumps out, I will kill you if it doesn’t.”
“I’m sure everything will be fine. Oh, hey, look. There’s a button here. I don’t remember seeing that earlier.”
“Don’t touch that button.”
“You know I’m going to touch that button.”
“This might be the key.”
“Oh! It’s lighting up.”
“I’m not staying for this.”
“It’s opening!”
“I’m leaving!”
“Wait! Come back!”